

Picture Of Me As A REALTOR 

@ 19 Years Old - 2021

How Everything Started


I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada when I was 18 years old, trying to figure out how to get my Real Estate business off the ground. I originally wanted to sell Real Estate, so I could eventually build up a portfolio of properties. As I dove deeper into understanding credit and how money truly works, I quickly realized that I could start building my portfolio and even start other businesses simply by leveraging credit.

 I had no previous credit history and built everything from the ground up with no prior financial education. However, after about two years of diligently learning financial literacy, my wife and I were able to become full-time entrepreneurs, secure 3 AirBNBs in Arizona, get access to $300k+ in business credit lines, and achieve a 770+ credit score across all 3 bureaus, at the age of 22 years old. 

Our mission is to help at least 10,000 small business owners access funding to scale their businesses and make financial education available to everyone. Especially the youth who are getting started in the world and are seeking guidance on finances! No matter where you're starting, if I can do it, you can do it too. Always remember that, It's not about how you start, it's about how you finish!